About Us
“You have been given this mountain to show others that it can be moved.”
Kyla Pokorny tirelessly battled Ewings Sarcoma for 7 years while dedicating her life to raising awareness and financial support to make a difference for others. Her heroic efforts and vision will continue to make an extraordinary difference in the lives of other children battling cancer. Her foundation, Move Mountains, will focus on helping every child in the U.S. who is undergoing life-improving, life-extending and life-saving chemotherapy. This will be achieved by providing every child with a Kyla Chemo Kit to deliver comfort and support for their body, mind and spirit.
Additionally, through a national effort, Move Mountains will provide necessary funding for the advancement of Ewing sarcoma research leading to a cure against this devastating disease.
“Chemotherapy and radiation were the hardest things I’ve even gone through, and I hope that what I’ve learned through my experience can help every child find comfort as they face their challenge against this horrible disease. I want to have a positive impact on every child in the U.S. undergoing life-improving, life-extending, and life-saving chemotherapy.” – Kyla Pokorny
“My vision is to create kits for every child going through chemotherapy. And because every child has different needs, I want to make kits for three specific age groups - kids (under 7), pre-teens (8-12) and of course, teenagers/young adults like me (13+).
I want to find products that other cancer patients and survivors depend on and feature them in my kits. I think that we have a responsibility to find anything that can make this battle just a little bit easier and I’m so excited to be able to help others that will have to go through cancer. Because if this can make them feel better, then maybe they will have just a little more strength to endure and win their battle against this horrible disease.” - Kyla Pokorny
Kyla posed the following question: “How can I take all that I’ve learned while undergoing years of chemotherapy and package it up to help someone else?”
Kyla’s Chemo Kits were designed by her to make the challenging journey more comfortable. Through trial and error, Kyla discovered outstanding go-to products that help patients with the following issues they might encounter along the way. These include:
- Nausea
- Muscle pain
- Skin burns
- Night sweats
- Dry, chapped skin and lips
- Boredom
But Kyla knew that every child has different needs, and wanted to create kits that target specific age groups: kids under 7, pre-teens (8-12), and teenagers/young adults (13 and up). The Chemo Kits are specifically designed to comfort and relieve different patients with their different needs in mind.
Contacts: Paul Shapiro, Founder and Partner of Vie, Inc. Lou Shapiro, CEO & President of Hospital for Special Surgery
Paul and Lou are the founders of Move Mountains, a New York-based foundation that is committed to delivering Kyla’s Chemo Survival Kit to every child already undergoing or those about to undergo chemotherapy treatment for their cancer and to support research so that a cure can be found to eradicate Ewing sarcoma.